Saturday, August 27, 2016

Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)

Jose Rengel
Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)
 The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) is a great place for people who are interested in art to visit. The term contemporary art refers to modern art, art that is produced at the present period in time. Inside the institute there are three rooms, each filled with works of a certain artist. The first artist is Ida Applebroog, who was a patient at Mercy Hospital in California, which is the name of her collection at ICA. Her works usually innovate with line in manners ranging from sinous and expressive to cartoonish, her works give people an understanding of communication, sexuality, and wellness with some stunning and sometimes disturbing combinations of text, cartoon, image and abstraction, most of her work was done while she was a patient at Mercy Hospital. The second artist is Renaud Jerez, a French artist whose works presents human forms consumed by architecture and technology; it is amazing to see how he combined different objects to create a humanoid figure, this style of contemporary art can inspire people to be creative and assemble different objects to try to make a figure. The third artist is Susan Te Kahurangi King, born in New Zealand and diagnosed with Autism. She was considered an outsider because she was self-taught, and she had an obsession with cartoon characters, mostly Donald Duck because it could be seen in her works, which she did by herself as a way of expression herself and what she likes, her family has preserved and recorded most of her work up to this date so that people can appreciate its contributions to art history.

People who visit the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) will learn more about contemporary and modern art. People who like to be creative and form pieces together to make a figure can definitely learn from Renaud Jerez and his works. People who find bold drawings and communication fascinating can take a look at the works of Ida Applebroog. And Susan Te Kahurangi King can show people that as a fascinated child with Autism she could express herself and show what she likes with her drawings, and have your work appreciated by family and the public. This type of art may seem different from other types of art, but people can learn from it and be inspired by most contemporary artists that have their own unique style to express themselves and be appreciated.

Ida Applebroog
Renaud Jerez
Susan Te Kahurangi King

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jerry Saltz on the Outsider Art Fair and Why There’s No Such Thing As ‘Outsider’ Art

Jerry Saltz on the Outsider Art Fair
Why There’s No Such Thing As ‘Outsider’ Art

This article talks about outsider art, which is art produced by self-taught artists who have had little or no contact within the art world or institutions. It mentions that MoMa (Museum of Modern Art) and other museums have refused to show outsider art. The reason why it was discriminated is because the artist had to be prepared and have experience in the art world, and those artists were labeled as untrained or disturbed. MoMa and other museums even separated insider and outsider art. However, many believe that it was time to put that type of art on display, and that type of discrimination should be gone in order to give outsiders and opportunity for the audience to take a look at their works. That is why the Outsider Art Fair has been around, for people to take a look at the outsider art.

This article can help people who are interested in art understand that they don’t necessarily need to have experience in art institutions in order to be creative and be successful, the audience can still learn to appreciate their works. There should not be discrimination based on whether an artist is trained or not, or has experience in the art world or not. Having training or experience in an art institution should not be the only way for the work to be appreciated to be put on display. The Outsider Art Fair has done a good job in putting on display the works of many outsider artists. People who are interested in art should also take give outsider artist a chance to have their works looked at and appreciated.

The White Bird

The White Bird by John Berger
The White Bird talks about the relationship of art and nature. Art can be made in many ways, it can be formed in random objects and assembling pieces together that it can make a figure. It is amazing how John Berger talked about the process of making a handmade figure that looks like a flying bird. And the bird started as a tradition by peasants, and they hang those birds in chapels or in their kitchen. This use of art gives the bird a symbolic figure to them. The material in which was used to make the bird is also respected because the audience find amazing how one simple object can be transformed to represent nature, which is how people can find the aesthetic emotion in it.

This essay can help people and inspire them to use random objects to create a representative figure, which is the beauty of art. Art can come in many ways, whether is a cultural tradition and it can be used to make a symbolic figure or to send a message to the audience. Finding objects and assembling pieces can be complex, but if the figure looks good it can be respected and appreciated, and if those objects come from nature it can give a symbolic figure to the people of each of their own tradition. This essay gives an idea of what can be expected for people that are interested in art, and how they can research and practice art in order to make a figure and to understand the concept and beauty of art.

Creative Impulse: Exercise- Paper Folding

Creative Impulse: Exercise- Paper Folding (Use this naming strategy to label your blog entries: Topic: Category- title)

1. Include an image of your paper folding; make all images large or extra large.
2. Place a brief description of the exercise here. Nothing fancy.
3. Add the appropriate labels. This one will be labeled: Topic: Creative Impulse, Exercises
4. Hit Done (in the Labels dialogue box) when finished adding your labels.
5. Don't forget to PUBLISH your blog and save while you are working/editing.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

WARP First Post

Labels Help You Organize
All blog posts must be labeled with two keywords, which blogger calls Labels. When faculty visits your blog for evaluation purposes, we will use the labels to quickly find your work. If you do not use the keywords properly, we will not be able to find your work. Proper set-up and maintenance of your blog falls under the Research and Participation part of your grade which counts for 30% of the overall semester grade. 

Topical Keywords
The first set of keywords correspond to the module we are working in. We will refer to these as topical keywords since they correspond to the topic we are exploring over the two-week periods. Your first group of posts will be labeled under Topic: Creative Impulse since this is the first topic (Topic #1). Here are the topical keywords you will use through out the semester:

Topic: Creative Impulse
Topic: Pattern and Ornament
Topic: Rhinoceros
Topic: Narrative
Topic: Landscape
Topic: Zine

Categorical Keywords
The second set of keywords will organize your posts according to kind. Here are the Keywords you will use for Labels:

Exercises - tag for posts documenting all assigned exercises. The first one will be the paper folding exercise from the first class. 

Readings - tag for posts containing your two paragraph responses to the assigned readings. The first ones will be for "The White Bird" and the Jerry Saltz article from 

Small Works - tag for posts documenting all assigned small works. The first blog post labeled Small Works will contain images and accompanying descriptions of the three small works you complete for the Creative Impulse Module (Topic #1). 

In-Depth Projects - tag for posts documenting all assigned In-Depth projects. The first blog post labeled In-Depth Projects will contain images (or video if appropriate) and accompanying descriptions of the more robust work you produce in response to the Creative Impulse Module (Topic #1).

Outside Visits - tag for posts containing your two paragraph responses to all required visits outside of the classroom. These include visits we do together as a class [during class time] or individually outside of class time. 

Please be sure to use both a topical and categorical keyword when labeling your posts.