Saturday, August 27, 2016

Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)

Jose Rengel
Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)
 The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) is a great place for people who are interested in art to visit. The term contemporary art refers to modern art, art that is produced at the present period in time. Inside the institute there are three rooms, each filled with works of a certain artist. The first artist is Ida Applebroog, who was a patient at Mercy Hospital in California, which is the name of her collection at ICA. Her works usually innovate with line in manners ranging from sinous and expressive to cartoonish, her works give people an understanding of communication, sexuality, and wellness with some stunning and sometimes disturbing combinations of text, cartoon, image and abstraction, most of her work was done while she was a patient at Mercy Hospital. The second artist is Renaud Jerez, a French artist whose works presents human forms consumed by architecture and technology; it is amazing to see how he combined different objects to create a humanoid figure, this style of contemporary art can inspire people to be creative and assemble different objects to try to make a figure. The third artist is Susan Te Kahurangi King, born in New Zealand and diagnosed with Autism. She was considered an outsider because she was self-taught, and she had an obsession with cartoon characters, mostly Donald Duck because it could be seen in her works, which she did by herself as a way of expression herself and what she likes, her family has preserved and recorded most of her work up to this date so that people can appreciate its contributions to art history.

People who visit the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) will learn more about contemporary and modern art. People who like to be creative and form pieces together to make a figure can definitely learn from Renaud Jerez and his works. People who find bold drawings and communication fascinating can take a look at the works of Ida Applebroog. And Susan Te Kahurangi King can show people that as a fascinated child with Autism she could express herself and show what she likes with her drawings, and have your work appreciated by family and the public. This type of art may seem different from other types of art, but people can learn from it and be inspired by most contemporary artists that have their own unique style to express themselves and be appreciated.

Ida Applebroog
Renaud Jerez
Susan Te Kahurangi King

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