Saturday, September 10, 2016

Ornament and the Sources of Design in the Decorative Arts

Jose Rengel

Ivins, William M. ""Ornament" and the Sources of Design in the Decorative Arts." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 13, no. 2 (1918): 35-41

The article is about the importance of ornaments and the different styles of ornaments and the craftsmanship. Ornaments are designs that are used to make something look more attractive but usually having no practical purpose. Ornaments can be considered decorative art because engravers have been making their own style of ornaments for centuries, and it shows a list of engravers with their own style and how they used it. Even until today, the collection of decorative art has educated more collectors than the craftsmen based on the design and the craftsmanship.

This article can help people understand the concept of design and craftsmanship, how to understand how those are two different things and understanding the difference between the two. Artists can consider adding ornaments to certain of their works; many artists decide to give ornaments to their pieces in order to make it look more attractive. Ornaments and decorative art are important pieces to art because it can make them look better, and for centuries many types of ornaments have been crafted.

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